• Last modified 1102 days ago (Sept. 1, 2021)


september 8, 1921

Marion’s territory on the new north and south highway which is being marked by the Hockady people, has been completely marked. Towns are going to increasingly realize the importance of through highways linking them with distant points.

The highways are growing in commercial importance and the towns which are fortunate enough to be on well marked and mapped highways will reap an increasing advantage.

Everything is in readiness for the opening of the city schools on Monday of next week. Several of the teaching staff who live out of town are already here, and the rest are expected by the last of the week.

Members of the Marion Country Club are going to have their first tournament next week. A tournament for ladies will be arranged when this one is over.

The latest word from the government concerning the body of James William Miesse was that it was to be shipped from Hoboken on Wednesday of the week.

The local Junior Chautauqua organization will give their program Saturday at 4:30 p.m. at the Chautauqua tent. Come out and laugh with the rest of us when you see the children perform. The children’s share of the proceeds will go to the treasurer of the Junior town organization. Admission 10c.

Earle Rogers and C.R. Sullivan are planning on a big bear hunting trip into Colorado next week. They are going way up into the wild country in the Leadville vicinity and are taking along with them a lot of big steel bear traps, the idea being that it would be safer to trap them than to try and shoot them. E.R. Sandberg and S.W. Williamson are trying to make arrangements to join in the party.

Last modified Sept. 1, 2021