• Last modified 1204 days ago (Sept. 16, 2021)


september 22, 1921

The “housewarming” of the Country Club will be held next Wednesday evening, the 28th. Committees have been appointed for planning the affair and are working out entertainment for the evening which will make the opening of the club house a most enjoyable occasion. Furniture has been purchased. Every member of the country club association should attend and help make the opening a fine success.

Roscoe King, E.L. Braddock, W.H. Carpenter, and Harry Rogers were at Spearville a couple of days the first of the week shooting ducks. They got about fifty.

County officers got a big home brew plant out in the hills seven or eight miles southeast of Marion Sunday, and caught one of the operators of it, a man giving the name of Russel. Five barrels of mash ready for brewing were confiscated and other apparatus brought in. The still had a capacity of 25 gallons a day.

M.H.S. prospects for football look brighter than they have for several years. With a squad of 30 men out to practice, eight of these lettermen and six experienced men, together with the new material, M.H.S. should turn out a winning team.

Mrs. Herbert Thorp and daughters, Virginia and Helen Marion, left Saturday in their car for their new home in Denver, Colorado. Charles Curtis drove the car through. The Thorp family had been six o’clock dinner guests on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Good, on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Good, on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hauser, and on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Hawkinson.

Last modified Sept. 16, 2021