• Last modified 1206 days ago (Oct. 28, 2021)


november 3, 1921

The undefeated Marion High School football team played the strong Hutchinson team on their own field Friday afternoon and made the sixth straight win for the locals. The Marion goal line has not been crossed this year.

The Community Guild, composed of all the young ladies from all the churches of the city, met on Tuesday evening at the beautiful home of Miss Mable Bramble, Miss Mable Parker being the assisting hostess.

Brothers Harry Bowlby and Raleigh Bowlby have opened a new gentleman’s furnishings store in the room just vacated by the Holder barber shop. They have a neat, attractive store combining the usual lines found in a store of the kind, and a stock of army goods.

Mutual Telephone employees, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wymer, Mrs. Earle Linn, Misses Ruth Fruechting, Alma Fruechting, Lydia Miller, Rose Miller, Pauline Miller and Mrs. Helen Healea, enjoyed a fine wienie roast at Ehrlich’s park on Friday evening.

Mr. and Ms. S.W. Williamson entertained the football team at a six o’clock dinner Sunday. The table’s centerpiece was a football decorated with the Marion colors. The place cards also were footballs. Plates were laid for Coach and Mrs. Monypeny, Floyd R. Powell, Dempsey Williams, Wop Williams, Fiery Firebaugh, Mees Garcia, Albert Ehrlich, Henry Hayen, Wedgy Padgett, Big Padgett, Smut Beaston, George Keazer, Claude Powell, Rusty Sheets, Syb Brose, Mike Hannaford, June Greer, Elm Pierce, Roy Rose, Bud Williamson, Ferd Williamson, and S.W. Williamson. There was a very pleasant social evening after the dinner.

Last modified Oct. 28, 2021