• Last modified 1091 days ago (Jan. 20, 2022)


january 26, 1922

Quite a lot of interest was shown Tuesday in the preliminary trial of Jacob Stucky against whom a charge had been filed of having burned the wagon and car sheds at the big church near Goessel last September.

Fire was discovered one day by the janitor at the church and put out. On the next day fire again broke out at the big shelter sheds and was so far started that they could not be saved though many people gathered to fight the flames.

County officials investigated the affair and placed the charge of arson against Stucky who lives over in McPherson county, probably fifteen miles from the church

Stucky was represented by Branine and Branine of Newton. Judge Mansfield bound him over to the February term of district court. He gave a $500 appearance bond.

Jim Conyers and his brother, Bert Conyers, are having a little family rivalry this week. Each is showing some of his fine Duroc-Jersey hogs at the Stock Show at Wichita. Bert wrote to Jim the other day that he really hated to show him up the way he was going to. And the father, W.A. Conyers, says that he isn’t so sure either that Bert can do it.

The final tryouts for high school debaters to represent Marion in county debates was held at the school house Monday evening. Miss Hilda Phillips and William Immer are one of the victorious teams and Miss Florence Good and Miss Ruth Richardson are the other.

There will be seven high schools in the league this year. The question to be debated is the Industrial Court question and whether it should be adopted for the United States.

Last modified Jan. 20, 2022