• Last modified 1115 days ago (Jan. 27, 2022)


february 5, 1922

Naturalization cases at the regular February term of the District Court, which meets Feb. 6, includes those of Robert Rindt, witnesses H,J. Tiemeier and M. Senne; Gotfried Schneider, witnesses Jacob Schafer and Henry Grenz; Carl Kerchner, witnesses J.J. Meier and A H. Miller; Neal Boelen, witnesses J.A. Maier and Fred Harfke; Henry Schmid, witnesses J.W. Penner and H.M. Pankratz.

A burglar tried to enter just one too many homes last Saturday night when he attempted to get into the home of Mr. Krop at Florence, and as a result lies in a dangerous condition from a gunshot which greeted him.

Fire Chief Joe Swan wishes us to request people to please refrain from riding on the fire truck to or from a fire and also that people should not drive over the fire hose when the line is laid.

A.W. Robinson, who started the first paper in Marion county, the Western News, in 1870, of which the Record is the successor, is now running a paper in LaCrosse, Kansas. His picture appeared in the Capital last week.

A new baptistry has been built in the Tabernacle for use by the Christian church people to whom the Tabernacle was presented, and in which they will worship until their burned church is restored.

Marion’s splendid new High School building is rapidly nearing completion. It is a “long-felt” want, and will push Marion right up in the front rank of Kansas high schools in point of equipment. It is a thing of beauty and let us hope will be a joy forever.

The enforced absence from his office of Marion County’s efficient Clerk of Court of E. Baxter is an occurrence so rare that it occasions more than ordinary comment. He will probably be the last veteran of the Civil War to fill an official position in this county and we hope he will fill it many years yet. He is back at his post.

Last modified Jan. 27, 2022