• Last modified 1099 days ago (Feb. 10, 2022)


february 16, 1922

The Boys Band, thirty-five strong, had a great time at Tampa Wednesday night. The fine folks of Tampa had extended an invitation to Ross Sheets, leader, to bring the band up there and give a concert. Public spirited Tampa citizens came down yesterday afternoon and took the boys up there in cars and brought them back after the concert. Tampa folks were profuse in their expressions complimentary of the showing the boys made.

Mr. Lester Walker of El Dorado and Mr. W.W. Walker of Marion, proprietors of the Walker Bros. stores in the two towns, closed a deal the past week for the purchase of a ladies ready-to-wear story at Marshall, Missouri. Mr. Lester Walker will go there to manage the store.

This department wants to congratulate Willard King and his bride upon their success in “stealing a march” on the young fellows who were planning to “celebrate” their wedding in the hilarious and public manner common to this fun-loving crowd. They were married and off on their honeymoon before the boys found it out.

Marion’s boys’ and girls’ teams went to Hillsboro Friday night for a doubleheader with the high school teams there and came back with the little end of the score in each game. The boys got beat by a score of 30-21 and the girls 35-16.

Some men are never satisfied. Having sold all, or nearly all, of his fine Duroc hogs, W.A. Conyers is planning to buy fifty pigs from another dealer. Well, these are the sort of men who make the wheels of business go ‘round.

The “first period” in the Record Salesmanship Club closed Wednesday night. Only two weeks of campaign left. Mrs. W.E. McCoy of Aulne is holding first place with a total of 1,576, 450 credits; Miss Olivia Huenergardt, Lehigh, holds second place credit total of 1, 552,650; and Mr. Robert Florer, Marion is third in the count with a total of 1,525,50 credits. Miss Martha Smith is holding fourth place with 1,388,250.

Last modified Feb. 10, 2022