• Last modified 945 days ago (June 2, 2022)


JUNE 14, 1917

A large crowd enjoyed a band concert Friday evening on Main St. The music was unusually fine. There is not a band in Kansas in a town of this size that plays better. These band concerts should develop into a real entertainment feature every week for the people for many miles around.

The city library has received a fine set of books — nice large volumes, “Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences ”— a gift from Dr. Marner.

Cordial invitation: The officers and directors of Farmers and Drovers National Bank of Marion take this means and opportunity to announce the formal and business openings of the new institution and to cordially invite the people of Marion and vicinity to inspect the banking home and meet with the management. Formal 0pening: Monday evening, June 18, at eight o’clock. Business opening: Tuesday morning, June 19, at nine o’clock.

Miss Marjorie Winchester is entertaining 12 little girls at a porch party today in celebration of her birthday anniversary.

Just for fun, Mrs. Ed Freeland counted the autos passing her home the other evening, and during the hour and a half, she counted 106 cars passed. Nothing special — just an ordinary evening.

James Kolos is here from Wichita, working for Mr. Demopoulos in the Palace of Sweets. He is an expert candy maker.

Last modified June 2, 2022