• Last modified 918 days ago (July 21, 2022)


aug. 9, 1915

One of the biggest and most enthusiastic affairs Marion has ever given was the reception to the soldier boys last Friday evening. The park was never so beautiful in its splendid decorations of flags and special lights. After the program, the boys and their parents had ice cream, cake and punch. Punch also was served to all present.

Maurice Miesse has bought Chas. Niederhauser’s interest in the Marion Dry Cleaners business.

Every person who can possible do so is urged to begin Red Cross work. The Marion Red Cross headquarters will be in the Wheeler Building, the first door west of the John Nelson furniture store. Instructions will be given in bandage making, knitting, and the making of hospital garments.

Errett Phillips has accepted a position as pharmacist in one of the leading drug stores at Newton. He and Mrs. Phillips expect to move there in the near future. We hope that they will find the work and Newton up to expectations but that some of these days they will be moving back to the old home town.

Joe Vogel is one of the latest to join the Dort drivers.

The Middle Creek Fair will be held this year on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 27 and 28. A strong program is being prepared, and several specially notable features are in prospect.

Last modified July 21, 2022