• Last modified 730 days ago (July 27, 2022)


AUG. 16, 1917

The Marion Band will give a concert Friday night on Main St. in front of Rolley’s Café. Come out and hear a fine program.

Badger Lumber Co. has bought the Thomas coal and lumber business, and the latter’s office and yards will be discontinued.

Wm. Schoneman, who is back home, has decided to open his own shoe repairing shop again in his building, in the room just west of Hawthorne’s. He has been at the business a long time in Marion, and he is so good a workman that he will no doubt again win a large share of the trade.

A number of Marion citizens did an excellent thing in opening a reading and lounging room for the soldier boys. The room just west of the Auditorium was fitted with chairs, tables, etc. Stationery, books, magazines, and other things of the sort have been provided for the boys.

Lieutenant Leland Thompson arrived last night from Fort Riley to spend a week at home. He reached Herington yesterday and could get no farther on the train on account of the flood and so came as far as he could in a car and then walked the remainder of the way down the railroad track through the water. He has been ordered to report for duty Aug. 29 in Salt Lake City.

Lin Lick Daik — believe that’s it — a young Chinaman who is attending Southwestern College filled the pulpit Sunday at the Methodist church.

Last modified July 27, 2022