105 years ago
october 4, 1917
A capacity crowd heard the home talent benefit performance last Thursday evening at the Auditorium, and the program was very much enjoyed. It was a ladies minstrel affair — and, if you will not tell anyone, we will say that the ladies who had the black-face parts were Mrs. S.B. Winchester, Mrs. T.B. Matlock, Ms. South Carolina Love and Mrs. J.N. Rogers.
You bet Jimmie Coffin is proud of that new bicycle. He has a right to be.
Stout Motor Co. has delivered cars the past week to Henry Rempel, Frank Vinduska, Tony Lentz, Charley Pierce, D.J. Goertz, and Henry Hett.
Stoves cleaned and polished and put up. Phone me at Case’s office, either phone. L. King. —Adv.
Middle Creek Fair at the Wiley Ranch in Chase County last week was a big success. The weather was fine, and the attractions were up to advance notices. Have heard it estimated that there were 1,000 automobiles there.
Bert Powell has been appointed Marion constable in place of Howard Daniels, who resigned.
At H.M. Thorp’s office can be seen a hill of red Bermuda sweet potatoes weighing 10 pounds and raised by Gen. John McCarty, who also has one potato that weighs 5½ pounds. Can anyone go ahead of that?
The Old Santa Fe Trail Café is closed. The Hills have been desiring to sell for some time.
Last modified Sept. 15, 2022