105 years ago
november 1, 1917
Pantle Hardware’s building is to be improved. A new floor is to be put in, raised 18 inches above the old floor. A modern front is to be put in, and other improvements are to be made.
There was a heavy snow Sunday night, but all was gone in a day or two.
Al Richardson and Herbert Thorp were in Herington yesterday to act as judges at a big Halloween affair by the community. A live bunch, those Herington folks.
Mr. Kelley of Solomon is going to open a new store here in the Carpenter building, west of the post office. He will handle groceries, boots and shoes, and dry goods but no clothing.
The new German Baptist church is about completed; the third Sunday in November has been selected as the day for dedication.
Mrs. I.R. Miller answered correctly two lists of questions sent out by Dodd, Meade & Co. and for this, the library received a book entitled “Famous Painters of America” by J. Walker McStadden. The Library also received “Vanguards of the Plains” by Margaret Hill McCarter and “American Sunprints” by Kate Stevens.
Marion banks report subscriptions to the second Liberty Loan here at $50,750. The subscriptions here to the first loan totaled $75,000.
Last modified Oct. 13, 2022