105 years ago
NOV. 8, 1917
A drainage district is to be formed. County commissioners today announced that they had granted a petition of nearly 400 taxpayers and steps would be taken at once to get machinery in motion.
The district will be known as Cottonwood Valley Drainage District of Marion County, Kansas and will have broad corporate powers.
Earle Rogers bought a Heider tractor the other day and is very much pleased with it. The John Nelson House Furniture Co. recently took the agency here for this tractor, which is one of the best on the market.
“Alakazam,” or “The Coon in the Crazy House,” with Bob Florer, Harry Rogers, and supporting company, will be performed Monday evening, Nov. 12, at the Auditorium in addition to the regular program. Admission is 10 and 20 cents.
John Siebert is driving a handsome new Saxon, which he purchased from Mr. Pantle, the local Saxon agent.
Marion County is being asked to raise $4,000 of the $525,000 asked from Kansas toward the $35 million YMCA war fund. There is no overestimating the value of the work being done by the YMCA to provide for the needs of the soldiers along recreational, moral, and religious lines. Marion County cannot afford to fail to raise its apportionment.
Last modified Oct. 20, 2022