105 years ago
NOV. 15, 1917
The Antelope community will have an oyster supper Friday night, Nov. 16. Proceeds will go to the soldier boys’ fund. Everyone is cordially invited.
The handsome new German Baptist Church here will be dedicated Sunday, Nov. 18.
The commissioners were in session yesterday and again today. Today, they went to the County Farm to inspect a new Delco Light that has been installed there the past week.
The Free Methodists have decided to maintain regular church services here, and the Rev. Northup has arrived from Nebraska to take charge. He and his family are living in the parsonage west of the Carpenter residence.
Lost — Crank to a Hudson Super Six, about two weeks ago between the T.M. Miller and Fred Schroer farms east of town. Leave at this office.
A new motor is being installed in the Marion Milling Co. mill so that the company soon will be able to give 24-hour service.
Chas. Lower and Louis Myers, the men convicted of killing Elmer Healea, made application for executive clemency. Their application was heard by Governor Capper on Monday and refused. In this connection, Governor Capper carried out the overwhelming sentiment of this community.
Fred Williams has just installed a fine Delco lighting and power system.
Last modified Oct. 26, 2022