• Last modified 842 days ago (Nov. 3, 2022)


nov. 22, 1917

The handsome new German Baptist church was dedicated last Sunday, and a great crowd came from far and near for the occasion. The church was filled with people at every service during the day. The edifice is the handsomest church in town. It is built of deep red tapestry brick and trimmed in stone. Cost of the building was approximately $12,000.

Stout Motor Co. brought in a long string of new Fords the past week, and they have been going fast.

A meeting Monday night organizes a company of home guards here. More than 50 men already have. T.B. Armstrong was elected commander; G.E. Eye, surgeon; Guy Sacket, recorder; and Rosse Case, treasurer. Guns will be furnished by the state — when available — but uniforms, if any, and other equipment must be supplied by local assistance.

R.T. Rolley is installing a new Butter-Kist popcorn machine — electrically heated and motor driven — in his restaurant.

Morning Star School had a display of pupils’ work at the Farmer’s Institute last week. It was a splendid display and attracted favorable comment on the part of all who saw it. Vesta Sanders is the teacher at Morning Star and deserved congratulations on this evidence of fine work being done by her pupils.

Last modified Nov. 3, 2022