• Last modified 625 days ago (Nov. 10, 2022)


Nov. 29, 1917

Old shoes will be collected Thursday and sent to Belgian sufferers. This collection is being made by the local Masons and is part of a general plan. Gather up all the old shoes you have that can be worn at all, tie each pair together, and place them on your front porch Thursday morning, Cars will be around to collect them.

Stout Bros. put enclosed tops on Rosse Case’s and George Powell’s Fords this week.

“Many inquiries have come as to whether the Aulne Nursery will be continued following the death of Mr. Remer. The business will be continued as usual. I have been with Mr. Remer for many years, understand his policies and the business generally, and will seek to maintain the same high standard that he set. Quality stock, right prices and fair treatment. Your patronage will be appreciated.” — Chris Nelson, manager.

A new store, Marion Grocery Co., will open on Saturday in the Carpenter building west of the post office. David Powell will be manager.

Beginning Dec. 1, register at Sheldon’s Jewelry and guess how many seeds are in a large watermelon hanging in the store window. The one guessing the closest to the number of seeds will be receive a beautiful $50 diamond ring displayed in the window.

Last modified Nov. 10, 2022