• Last modified 707 days ago (March 9, 2023)


march 13, 1913

Robert Florer will build a cottage on a lot east of the E.F. Sheldon home, across from the Baptist church. It will be a six-room bungalow — four rooms downstairs and two upstairs. Work already has begun.

Mrs. A.M. Wren was quite seriously injured Tuesday of this week. A horse she was driving became frightened and turned her buggy over. She was thrown out. No bones were broken, but she sustained some internal injuries.

Watch the ads next week for the opening date for the C.F. Pantle Hardware Co. store.

J.W. Moore is getting ready to put a big tractor to work on his land in the northwest part of the county. He is selling a good many of his mules but will keep several teams. The tractor will pull eight plows at a time. All things considered, he figures it will be more satisfactory and probably more economical.

Richardson Bros. want you to try a new coffee they are handling. Call for “Symco,” popular price, very fine.

Last modified March 9, 2023