• Last modified 547 days ago (April 20, 2023)


April 24, 1913

Central Park is looking beautiful. The repainting and re-setting of the iron seats and the repainting of the fountain and urns add much to the attractiveness of the park, Marion’s greatest asset.

Various ladies’ organizations have assumed responsibility for the care of the different flowerbeds around town.

The beds at the Santa Fe station will be looked after by the ladies of the Eastern Star; the round bed in Central Park by the Dawn Club; the bed in the park, near the bridge, by the WCTU; and the beds around the urns at the park by the Polka-Dot Club.

Donald Bell, a boy 19 years old, was instantly killed on Monday by being hit by a 12-pound hammer thrown by one of the other high school boys who were practicing for the county track meet.

There should be no question about eliminating the hammer throwing event at the track meet. It has long been recognized as being dangerous and is a very poor event anyhow, both from the standpoint of the participants and from that of the spectators.

What has become of the old-fashioned man who carried a buckeye in his pocket to ward off rheumatism?

Dr. Eye is the owner of a new roadster built especially for such use as that of a physician.

The ladies of the City Improvement League have agreed to take charge of the beautifying of the circle in Highland Cemetery.

Last modified April 20, 2023