110 years ago
june 19, 1913
The shoe-shining parlor that C.C. Johnson has had built is almost finished. It cost $300 to $400 and is as handsome a thing of the kind as can be found anywhere. It has plate glass on three sides, is electrically lighted, has an electric fan, and has a double chair that is a fine piece of furniture. Then there are two fine settees and all that sort of thing. A storage shed that was just south of the Red Cross Pharmacy was moved to the west, and this new building takes its place. A colored man will run the place for Mr. Johnson, and no loafing will be allowed. The place deserves a liberal patronage.
Quite a number of Marion people went to Lincolnville to attend the funeral Tuesday of Mr. H.W. Tiemeier.
There will be another one of those famous Sunset Stock Farm Good Roads Socials next week. There will be two bands there—the Marion Band and Bosh’s Band. There will be music by the Marion Jubilee Club. There will be refreshments. Barrels of gasoline will be sold to the highest bidder. The grounds will be lighted by electricity. Marion autos will take passengers for the round trip for 50 cents. The proceeds will be used for maintenance of the Sunset Road. If you go, you will not only be helping a good cause but also will have a splendid time.
Last modified June 15, 2023