110 years ago
july 3, 1913
A platform has been erected in the north side of the park for the union church services. The Record enters a vigorous protest. We knock, and we knock hard. There has been a settled policy against the use of the north side of the park for public gatherings — a policy maintained for years now and a policy that is absolutely right. The south side is the place for public gatherings. There is no justification for the use of the north side. Let down the bars, and the gate will be opened to all sorts of requests in the future, and the maintenance of the beauty of the north side will be jeopardized.
A couple of fellows took pictures of people around town last week. About 100 of the pictures were shown on a screen at the moving picture show Monday evening. Most of the pictures were of children.
Governor Hodges will be in Marion from 7:45 to 7:48 a.m. Friday. He will make the trip from Council Grove to McPherson over the old Santa Fe Trail. He will be met north of town and have an auto escort into town. The city band will play on Main St. to greet him.
Ed Buckley took official charge of the post office Tuesday morning. He should and doubtless will receive the hearty support of all the people of the town, regardless of politics.
Last modified June 29, 2023