• Last modified 463 days ago (July 12, 2023)


july 17, 1913

Marion County gets into the big wheat yield game again this year. The county as a whole had a big crop, and some yields are great. The biggest yield yet reported was on the G.C. Coble piece southeast of town. One field of 185 acres yielded 7,644 bushels, an average of 41.3 bushels per acre.

Pantle Hardware got in a carload of silos the past week, selling them to J.J. Siebert, west of town; Geo. L. Bower, south of town; and Wm Koegeboehn, east of town.

Mary L. Winkley and Jesse W. Anderson were married Tuesday afternoon at the Christian Church parsonage. They will live on the Winkley farm four miles southwest of town. The Record joins their many friends in wishing them happiness and prosperity through life.

A party of young people had a very enjoyable picnic Friday at Chingawasa. They took E.L. Snider along to look after them. The following composed the party: Jae Beaston; Lucile Burkholder; Hazel Custer; Beth and Edna Frazer; Clyde Gilchrist; Eulalia, Retta, Marie, and Eddie Kuhn; Esther Mollohan; Gerald Taylor; and Mary Thies.

Elizabeth Apel has been elected to membership in the faculty of Hays State Normal School. She will teach German and probably some English.

Last modified July 12, 2023