110 years ago
Oct. 9, 1913
Iron light poles on Main St. and around the courthouse have been repainted and look a whole lot better.
The members of the Evangelical church are planning the erection of a large Sunday School room on the west of their present building. It is to be arranged so that both rooms can be thrown into one. The improvement will cost about $1,600.
The biggest bunch of naturalization applications heard here for a long time was heard by Judge King the first of the week. Five or six were dismissed, generally for the inability of witnesses to give the adequate testimony under law. Citizenship was granted to 16 of the applicants.
Marion High School football team took an easy one away from Newton on the local field last Friday by the score of 77 to 0. The Newton boys were a good clean bunch of players. They were just simply up against a team that was too fast for them.
J.H. Ogden was in Wichita a couple of days this week attending the Eastman School of Professional Photography.
Marriage licenses were issued to:
- David H. Wingerd, Hope, and Cecilia May, Tampa.
- Harvey R. Crist and Nora Noone, both of Tampa.
- John Gilbert, Kansas City, Missouri, and Ruth Nelson, Florence.
- Abraham Balzer, Whitewater, and Ida Gaede, Hillsboro.
- David Steinert and Julia Eimann, both of Lehigh.
Last modified Oct. 5, 2023