• Last modified 462 days ago (Nov. 9, 2023)


nov. 13, 1913

I.E Myers and Henry Winkley have taken the local Ford agency for the coming year. Sheldon and Shanklin will handle the Reo and Chalmers.

On a recent visit to his hometown of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, Joe Kennedy met and had a long talk with Cole Younger, the noted outlaw, who lives there.

Younger is an old man but looks and acts considerably older than he is. He served over 20 years in a Missouri penitentiary and was pardoned some years ago. He has become very religious and has lived an exemplary life since then.

Four or five hundred dollars has been appropriated by the county and townships for work in progress on cutting down a big hill three miles west of town — another fine improvement.

A public drinking fountain, running water from the Central Park spring, will be placed at the west end of the stone-arch bridge on the north side of the street.

The city commission and the school board have agreed on a plan that involves putting in a ram above the spring for driving water to the fountain and also to the school building.

A reservoir will be built back of the spring, and the flow of the water at the spring itself will not be considerably affected. It is said that the fountain will be the gift of a citizen.

Ethel Lilley entertained yesterday afternoon, the occasion being her fifth birthday anniversary. Louise Williamson and Harriet Bryan assisted.

Last modified Nov. 9, 2023