• Last modified 299 days ago (March 28, 2024)


april 2, 1914

Chautauqua dates will be Aug. 5 to 11. Members of the committee, who met with Harry Minor of the Redpath-Horner Chautauqua circuit last week, are Carl C. Ehrlich, John Gardner, Ralph Hodge, George Loveless, and W.A. Stauffer.

Marriage licenses issued are those of Jacob B. Harms and Helena Klassen, both of Hillsboro; Earl Siebert, Canada, and Anna Skibbe, Hillsboro; Edward Kasper and Lola M. Harrison, both of Marion; John Koop, Hillsboro, and Paulena Janzen, Kansas City; Ernest Opdenhoff, Omega, Oklahoma, and Emma Kohlman, Lincolnville; and Henry E. Schneider, Lehigh, and Mary Berg, Tampa.

Louis Linn, son of Charley Linn, fell from a bicycle the other day and sustained painful injury, tearing loose some of the ligaments across his chest.

Helen Miesse has bought a half interest in Davis Bakery and Candy Kitchen. Fred Davis will continue to do baking, while Mrs. Miesse will conduct business in the front room.

Guy Sackett was host at a dinner Tuesday evening, his guests being O.C. Billings, Rosse Case, Al Richardson, and Herbert Thorp. The affair was in honor of Al Richardson, who expects to leave for the Philippines in a few weeks. After the dinner, the host took his guests to a show at the Auditorium.

Last modified March 28, 2024