110 years ago
july 30, 1914
Dr. Eye, county health officer, requests us to warn people against typhoid fever and urge them to boil water they use. No typhoid cases have been reported yet in Marion County, but many have been in an adjoining county. Boil the water.
No bit of local news has caused more favorable comment than the announcement that Santa Fe St. is to be paved from the Elgin Hotel to the Rock Island railroad. I suppose the Rock Island Co. will complete the chain to its depot.
Replies to the Record’s call for wheat yields are beginning to come in. S.A. Van Scoik of Wilson Township reports 2,325 bushels from 88 acres, or approximately 26½ bushels per acre. Part of it made 35 bushels. He also reports 42 bushels of oats per acre on 56 acres. These are all thresher figures and are considerably below what the grain would weigh.
Little Jimmy Coffin, who is such a familiar sight upon the street, has been conspicuously absent the last few days. He was run down the other day by a motor car driven by some tourists and narrowly escaped a serious accident. He was stunned for a little while, and one leg was pretty badly bruised, but he is getting along all right now. The tourists picked him up and took him home.
Watch out for that blight on your apple trees. It’ll get ’em if you don’t get it.
Last modified July 18, 2024