• Last modified 184 days ago (Aug. 15, 2024)


aug. 27, 1914

The work of leveling to the ground the old stone house — the Musick place — was completed last week, and work on the basement of Dr. Smith’s new residence has been begun.

This house was one of the “landmarks,” and a lot of folks “sorto” hated to see it go. But in its place will rise a beautiful home.

Dr. Smith has let the contract for his new home to R.F. Pyle.

You have noticed those three beautiful trees just west of the fountain in the Park — and perhaps you have wondered what kind of tree they are.

Henry Schubert was speaking of them this morning, and he says that they are linden and that in Germany they are most highly prized.

These linden trees in the Park are the only ones we know of around here.

Most of the schools in the county will begin Sept. 7.

The post office will open for business in the new location — the Masonic building — on Tuesday morning of next week, Sept. 1. The fixtures are nearly all in place and look fine. All boxes are combination.

In a hot, 13-inning game on the Florence grounds, Florence took one from Marion yesterday evening, on a margin of 5 and 4. Frazer and Oyer were the Marion battery.

Last modified Aug. 15, 2024