• Last modified 168 days ago (Aug. 29, 2024)


sept. 10, 1914

An “All Town Reception” Wednesday evening of next week will honor teachers in the city schools. This reception will be held on the grounds where union services are held, and there will be music, refreshments, brief talks, and an informal good time.

Winners of tomato contest given by Dr. Eye, who provided the prizes, were Jake Hill, son of Fred Hill, who won first prize of $10; Lindsay Stafford, son of W.E. Stafford, second prize, $5; and Charley Smith, third prize, $2.50.

Eight contestants brought in some fine tomatoes. S.L. Brose and Ed Harn were judges.

A stroke of lightning did a strange thing Tuesday at Ben Sanders’ home.

It came in under the porch roof — didn’t injure the roof at all — made a hole through cement blocks near the door, burned nails out of the door casing, and burned the wire off the screen door.

The damage amounted to only about $15. Mrs. Sanders was sitting near the door but was not hurt.

The Santa Fe will run a special train Wednesday of next week to the Hutchinson fair.

The train will leave Hillsboro at 6:30 in the morning, Canada at 6:40, Marion at 6:50. and Florence at 7:15 and will arrive in Hutchinson at 10 a.m.

Returning, it will leave Hutchinson at 10 o’clock in the evening of the same day. This will give a full day at the fair.

Last modified Aug. 29, 2024