• Last modified 145 days ago (Sept. 19, 2024)


october 1, 1914

Sam T. Howe was here from Topeka the first of the week visiting many old-time friends.

He is and has been for a number of years a member of the state tax commission and is recognized as one of the big men of the country in that line of work.

His old Marion friends are always glad to see him.

Mrs. Herbert Thorp and Virginia are expected home from Washington, D.C., the latter part of this week. They have decided that Virginia will not enter school at Bristol.

Rally Day services at the Methodist and Christian Sunday schools were real successes. Attendance was 357 and 250 respectively, making a total of 607.

The autumn picnic of the Marion County Federation of Club Women will be Tuesday, Oct. 6th. A picnic dinner will be served in the park at 1 p.m.

Mrs. M.D. Chilson and Mrs. Fred Dockstader went Tuesday evening to Wanette, New Mexico. Mrs. Dockstader will remain some time on the claim they have taken there.

A pretty outdoor autumn wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehrlich at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Their daughter, Anna, and Edward Pope of Durham were united in marriage by J.A. Pankratz of the German Baptist church. The ceremony took place just at dark. The yard was lighted with Japanese lanterns and acetylene lights.

Last modified Sept. 19, 2024