• Last modified 86 days ago (Oct. 30, 2024)


NOV. 12, 1914

By a vote of 298-164, a proposition to sell the city light plant and to grant a franchise was defeated.

City commissioners have ordered in some more pavement, and the work will be done right away. The block of 3rd St. north from Main to connect with Santa Fe St. paving will be put in; also, the two blocks on Walnut St., north to the Schoneman corner. This will complete the pavement to the Rock Island station.

Mrs. A.L. Richardson and little daughters Ruth and Margaret went to Wichita today to be the guests of Mrs. Joe Bauer for several days.

A.E. Case makes another fine suggestion. He suggests that some room in the town be provided — like the commercial club rooms, for instance — for hanging pictures of the pioneers of the town.

The collection of pioneers who have held county offices, which adorns the walls in the halls of the Courthouse, attracts many interested spectators. And this suggestion of another collection of pictures of local pioneers is an equally good one.

Last modified Oct. 30, 2024