110 years ago
dec. 17, 1914
Winter was in earnest this past week. The drop began last week, and on Friday morning the thermometer played near zero. On Monday morning, the lowest yet this season as reached — three below zero.
John Ehrlich’s Sons have sold their store to a couple of young men from Council Grove, Mr. Alexander and Mr. Long. A.G. Alexander, who is the senior member of the Alexander-Long Mercantile Co., arrived in Marion today to complete the taking over of the John Ehrlich’s Sons store. His son, O.G. Alexander, and son-in-law, D.A. Long, the other members of the firm, will take up management of the store.
Pupils of the city schools will decorate a municipal Christmas tree and hold exercises appropriate to the occasion next week.
One of the big evergreens north of the high school building will be decorated and lighted and at half past seven on Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday evening school choruses will sing and other numbers will be given.
There will be no gifts. The exercises will last only about 30 minutes. All the people of the town are urged to be present and help to promote a real Christmas spirit in the town.
The town’s churches — Evangelical, Methodist Episcopal, Christian, German Baptist, Christian Methodist Episcopal, and Federated — all will have exercises on Christmas Eve at their respective churches.
Last modified Dec. 4, 2024