115 years ago
jan. 16, 1908
A birthday party given at the home of Neta May Butler the evening of Jan. 8 in honor of her 18th birthday was a very pleasant affair. After the young people had enjoyed themselves with games suitable to the occasion, a two-course luncheon was served. Afterward, presents were opened. There were many of them, all of which were beautiful and useful.
Sanitary plumbing, begun last fall, for both school buildings has been turned over to the schools for use — Tuesday at the Hill School and Thursday at the Valley School.
One of the best ways not to build up a town is to abuse and seek to belittle and lie about public-spirited citizens of the town. Any man who vents his spleen in that way because he has failed to realize some of his ambitions and is disgruntled and filled with the spirit of personal malevolence or from any other such cause is an enemy of the town, no matter what loud protestations he may make to the contrary.
Mrs. D.P. Martin has been quite sick with la grippe (influenza) the past week or two.
A two-cent railroad rate makes traveling inexpensive, and many people will take advantage of it to visit the Mid-Winter Exposition at Topeka, the dates of which are Jan. 20 and Feb. 1. The legislature being in special session makes an added incentive to visit the capital city. Topeka’s big industrial show promises to be better than ever.
Last modified Jan. 11, 2023