115 years ago
Feb. 6, 1908
In Judge Schlingloff’s police court Friday afternoon, Columbus Miller pleaded guilty to carrying concealed weapons and “shooting Ed Child’s hat off.”
For this artistic gunplay, he got the limit, $50 and costs, total $57.50.
Childs, for being in a condition to be willing to have his hat shot off, got $25. The bullet wound on Child’s head was not serious, just a good scalp wound that in a few days will be forgotten.
A petition, signed by Earl Giddings, for a license to operate a pool and billiard hall in what is known as the Smoke House was read at a regular session of the city fathers Monday evening. The license was granted.
By request of lady patrons of the rink, tomorrow, Friday evening, will be ladies night. That they may have their wishes entirely, gentlemen will skate only on invitation of the ladies.
About two months ago, someone borrowed a journal of American history of A.E. Case and has forgotten to return it. Please return to Rosse Case. Also, Rosse says, someone borrowed a pick and spade and forgot to return them. Wonder who forgot.
Kieferle and Williams have fitted the new courthouse up with cuspidors, which are among the most beautiful things to be seen about the building. What a pity to soil them for the purpose for which they were created. The cork carpet ordered for the different rooms is in place and gives first-class satisfaction — easy under foot and makes a quiet room.
Last modified Feb. 1, 2023