• Last modified 723 days ago (Feb. 23, 2023)


FEB. 27, 1908

The idea of paving Main St. with either brick or concrete is becoming very much in favor among property owners along this thoroughfare. Everybody agrees that it is in need of one or the other, and this point will likely be settled soon after the water works problem is safely out of the way.

Wa-Shung-Gah, chief of the Kaw Indians and one of the most famous Indians in Northern Oklahoma, was found dead near Arkansas City. Death was due to heart failure and exposure. He was 88 years of age and had been chief of the Kaws since 1875.

Stakes were set Monday for a new street, Williams St., on the north of the courthouse. The city council will construct the street as an honor to Commissioner J.K. Williams, for whom it was named.

Henry Hett of Wilson sprung a surprise on his friends last week by going to Indiana on a visit and returning home accompanied by a young lady and presenting her to them as his wife. They will live on the home place.

The grocery firm of Powers and Evans has the past week sold to J.C. Wood and Co., possession given March 1. Mr. Wood, upon whose shoulders the responsibility of the firm will rest, is one of Marion’s adopted sons, Major T.W. Bown’s son-in-law

The young folks of the Wren neighborhood gathered at the home of Addie Wren last Thursday eve and had pleasant time pulling taffy.

Last modified Feb. 23, 2023