• Last modified 670 days ago (March 22, 2023)


march 26, 1908

A race at the rink Wednesday evening drew a good crowd, as it was for the championship of Marion and Dickinson Counties.

Albert Matzes, the Marion favorite, and L. Stauffer of Dickinson County both made good starts, but before the eighth lap, Matzes had made the visitor dropped out, and the exhibition was short lived.

Matzes is a modest young fellow and not puffed up because of his victories. After the grand march, Matzes successfully made the high slide on the plank from the balcony to the floor of the rink.

The residence of Edward Hayen near Youngtown was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The loss is fully covered by insurance.

There were more people in town Saturday than for several weeks. Every available hitching place was filled on all the side streets as well as on Main St., and it begins to look as if Marion will need to provide more hitching racks.

Work about the courthouse is progressing in fine style. Cal Kuhn has about finished the retaining wall around the grounds. and it’s a good job. The work of grading the grounds is going on rapidly. Soon, Marion County will have the finest all-around courthouse property in the state.

Next Wednesday, the Riggs Bros. will begin business in the building occupied by Roy Sumner the past two years. Mr. Sumner’s goods are being transferred to Youngtown, where he expects to be ready for business by April 1.

Last modified March 22, 2023