• Last modified 2991 days ago (Dec. 15, 2016)


december 25, 1891

Last Christmas, as our home readers probably remember, dawned upon a dazzling display of ice. The streets were as slick as glass, and one could hardly walk about. “Every tree,” as M.S. Bryan remarked the other day, “was a Christmas tree.” They were beautifully decorated, certainly, in crystal splendor. At this writing, the weather is almost like a May day, and it looks now, as if it would be impossible to repeat last year’s experience. However, in Kansas “ye know not what a day may bring forth.”

A large dwelling house belonging to grandfather Bowlby was entirely destroyed by fire Thursday night of last week.

This issue has a detailed report of the inspection of the new jail and the remodeled court house (Neither is the same as the ones we now have. Both were completely re-built later). The article is too lengthy for these columns, but is very interesting reading.

Our neighbor, Chris Niederhauser, the boot and shoe man, has a very handsome show window. If you don’t believe it, stop and gaze on it as you pass by, or better still, walk in and see at the same time an elegant lot of goods in his line.

An eleven and a half pound boy is what makes J.S. Dean hold his head so high these days.

Last modified Dec. 15, 2016