• Last modified 1032 days ago (April 21, 2022)


MAY 6, 1887

Whoop la!

Rock Island trains are now way this side of Herington, or within nearly 20 miles of Marion, and are coming, Father Abraham, a mile or two a day! Henry Hartke of Lincolnville says he heard the whistle Wednesday.

Ship ahoy

An invitation from the jolly old tar, Captain Taylor Riddle, moved us to the “warf” last Friday afternoon at the foot of 2nd St., where we found the pretty steam yacht, Maud Murphy, crowded with a company of ladies and gentlemen just steaming into port.

The first crew safely ashore and the last safely aboard, pilot Perkins threw open the throttle, give the guide wheel a turn or two, and out into mid-stream steamed the beautiful yacht with a precious cargo of humanity, including four distinguished journalists.

Representatives of this great naval journal contemplated with equal amusement the curious gaze and the awkward efforts of his inexperienced fellow passengers to appear at ease.

The cathedral glass that is to embellish the windows of the new Methodist church has arrived and is being put in by contractor N.K. Aldrich.

Last modified April 21, 2022