• Last modified 1013 days ago (May 5, 2022)


may 20, 1887

Members of the Young Men’s Christian Association expect soon to begin excavating for their fine new building and would like to get the work done as cheaply as possible.

It really ought not to cost them a cent to get the excavating done. There are doubtless many persons who need some or much of the dirt. Won’t they “strain a point,” even to help the association just when help is so much needed?

Mr. Hutchinson is delivering ice regularly nowadays. In addition to Marion, he furnishes Hillsboro and Lehigh and partially furnishes Florence. He has about eight hundred tons in stock and hopes to get through the summer with this amount. Before another season, he will largely increase his storage facilities.

Pete Magathan’s new ice cream parlor in the second story of the Young Block was formally opened to the public last Saturday. The room is neatly furnished, cool and attractive, and will doubtless prove a popular place of resort.

Work of setting poles and stretching wires for our new telephone exchange is being rapidly pushed. It is expected that it will take a week or two to complete the work.

The central office in the Elgin Hotel is a curiosity to one who never saw such an institution. The services of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swift have been secured to preside over the business at these headquarters, Mr. Swift having charge of the office at night and Mrs. Swift in the daytime.

Last modified May 5, 2022