135 years ago
july 8, 1887
A grand success
The celebration of Independence Day in Marion was a grand success. The day was delightful, the crowd was immense, the oration was glorious, and the whole affair was highly creditable to Marion.
The booming of anvils, the clatter of lighter “artillery,” the noise of small explosives, and the shrill-voiced Young America awakened the slumbering inhabitants long before old Sol peeped over his eastern coverlet.
We have heard the crowd in town during the day variously estimated at from 6,000 to 10,000.
Notice to the public
My great sale of town lots has begun in my addition to West Marion, north of Ehrlich’s mill. I have the nicest location of any addition to Marion. A fine, deep soil for all kinds of shrubbery, grapes, or gardens, and the best water — clear and sparkling. My terms are easy and interest light. I can suit you in terms, price, and location if you will call soon. Lots 50x150 feet. Also, suburban lots, from ¾ to 1 acre, adjoining town on the south.
— Wm. Kellison
The maple tree will have to go. The elm is the coming tree in Kansas.
Will Matlock is nearly as happy as he was the moment his best girl answered “yes.” His father and brother Tom are visiting him, and he has good hopes of having the whole family move to Marion.
Last modified June 23, 2022