135 years ago
SEPT. 16, 1887
Marion schools opened Monday. The attendance is now more than 500, considerably larger than during the first week of any preceding term, and Principal Van Ostrand expects the enrollment to reach 800, in which event a room problem will force itself upon the district for solution. There are now more than an average of 50 pupils in each room.
We noticed the families of A.E. Case and S.P. Bown with a few friends enjoying a little private picnic last Friday in Central Park.
John M. Musick, who lives on about as fine a farm as lies out of doors on the Luta, some miles north of Marion, is in luck this year.
He threshed his oats last week and informs us that 28 acres of white oats yielded more than 53 bushels per acre, while 6 acres of red oats panned out 60 bushels per acre — all of fine quality, too.
In addition to this, his large corn crop is very fine for any year, and especially for this one.
A fine new 1,000-pound bell has been received by our Baptist friends and is being put in place in the belfry of their handsome new church.
We are surprised to learn that a remonstrance is in circulation protesting of the proposed ordinance closing up business houses on Sunday. The ordinance is simply a reflex of the state law and ought to be passed and enforced.
Last modified Sept. 1, 2022