• Last modified 849 days ago (Oct. 20, 2022)


NOV. 4, 1887

Major Bown recently sent Judge Williams and old pioneer in Marion, now in Indiana, a copy of the Handbook of Marion County and received in return a picture of a part of Main St. from the Record office to the bridge, which reveals but four houses —a single frame building on the site next to this office, the log house and native timber dwelling that stood on the site of the post office block, and the frame hotel — these, and only these.

No sidewalk existed, but a tumble-down fence shows conspicuously as the most prominent object in the picture.

The loser of a good $1.50 glove can learn of its whereabouts at this office.

Mr. C.R. Roberts, one of the oldest citizens of this city, passed away last Saturday morning. He had reached the ripe age of three score years and ten.

By special request, Judge Foote officiated at the funeral Sunday afternoon, and then a goodly number of the old pioneers, old and new friends, laid him gently to rest in the cemetery he had seen tenanted with its first sleeper.

Uncle Will Billings and wife returned last week from their eastern trip, in good health and spirits, but glad to get back home to sunny Kansas.

Dedication services were held last Sabbath at the Baptist church, elder Geo. C. Lorimer conducting the services. It is a handsome building, a gem of architecture, in fact, externally and internally, and is a fine monument to the faith and works of a brave little band of brethren.

Last modified Oct. 20, 2022