135 years ago
Dec. 9, 1887
We present in today’s Record a picture of Marion’s splendid new foundry and machine shops, Messrs. Wishart & Knapp, proprietors. The building is large and commodious, substantially constructed of stone. It is supplied with all the modern machinery and appliances needed in a general machine shop and foundry. All kinds of castings are done, as is nickel plating. This institution has added nearly 100 persons to the population of Marion and is in a flourishing condition.
Mr. Winslow informs us that contracts were let yesterday for over a mile of grading on the streets of the Queen City addition.
What was the matter with the electric light east of the stone bridge Tuesday night? It didn’t light.
A festival at Bixler schoolhouse Friday night of next week will be just a nice little ride from Marion, and this city ought to be well represented.
Sons of the Union soldiers in America propose to perpetuate the memory of their fathers’ deeds and cultivate the patriotism that inspired their sires to those deeds of valor. And so, all over the land, they are organizing for this purpose. According to previous announcement, a score or more of these young men met in the G.A.R. Hall last Saturday night and perfected an organization in Marion.
Last modified Nov. 23, 2022