• Last modified 1311 days ago (Dec. 23, 2020)


december 24, 1880

A Christmas Tree will be set up in Rogers Hall Saturday night. An enjoyable time is anticipated. It is for the public generally, and every one so desiring is cordially invited to bring presents for their friends between the hours of ten a.m. and six p.m. tomorrow. Let the Hall be crowded.

The Band boys and their friends, who trip the light fantastic, will have a set-to at Rogers Hall to-night.

Myers & Co.’s establishment is getting to be quite a favorite resort. Jim is a clever fellow, and wears well. Oysters served in any manner, and confections and fine tobacco and cigars always on hand.

Dr. Buford and Mr. Davis got back from that wild goose chase Monday. We have interviewed Davis, but could get no satisfaction as to the result. We got lots of winks and nods and grinds, but very little information concerning geese.

Buford is telling around that they killed one hundred and six, but as he was only seen to bring three of them home with him, it is supposed the other hundred and three got lost in the grass and couldn’t be found. Buffalo grass in awful tall, you know.

As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, James Hinchcliff and Fred Tidyman have formed a business alliance for the purpose of manufacturing brick and building houses. They have procured good clay grounds, adjacent to the city, and will commence a kiln just as soon as the weather permits.

Having had large experience in the business, they will no doubt make their new enterprise here a success. Good workmen and reliable men, we commend them to the public.

Last modified Dec. 23, 2020