140 years ago
february 11, 1881
Those gentlemen who were afraid Col. Beebe, County Commissioner from the third district, would prove a sectional, arbitrary, unfair officer, are beginning to form a much better opinion of him as they come to know him better. He seems not to be confined to the interests of his town, but while watching these carefully, appears to realize that he is a County Commissioner, and rising to this higher, broader, nobler conception of his duties, uses not the people’s time in concocting sectional schemes after the manner of some men.
Marion Centre will remember its friends, to say nothing of its enemies.
J.N. Widmeyer, agent for Wells, Fargo, & Co., Express Company at this place, would inform the public that he is now ready to transact business in that line, and solicits public patronage for the Company he represents. Office at his old place of business.
The late splendid rains have been timely for the wheat. The streams have been on a high this week.
Prof. Folks of Hutchinson has been in town a day or two tuning pianos. He expects to make regular professional visits here several times a year, at stated periods. By the way, we neglected to mention two recent additions to the pianos of the town, one at Dr. Kernodle’s, and one at the Baily House.
Mr. T.C. Bramley has determined to open a marble yard in Marion Centre, and will soon have an ample supply of marble on hand from which to manufacture tomb stones of any design.
Last week, in enumerating some of Marion Centre’s needs, we mentioned the need of a better produce market. This week we are glad to announce the need will hereafter be supplied. Mr. J. C. Anderson of Newton has located in Marion Centre and will buy and ship farm produce of all kinds.
Last modified Feb. 11, 2021