140 years ago
march 25, 1881
There is a pent up spirit of improvement universal in Marion Centre, which is already beginning to show unusual fruits for this time of year, and bids fair to develop into a boom of the first magnitude as soon as the weather allows it fair play.
Buildings innumerable are in contemplation, some of them already under headway, and they are generally of a superior kind. Undoubtedly the town will make more advancement in almost every respect, but especially in the matter of adornment, of ornamentation, than ever before. It is in the air. It promises to become epidemic. Everybody has it. Let the good work go on.
Two new church edifices will soon be completed.
The ladies supper and fair will be held at Rogers Hall April 14. Besides the usual good supper there will be a fancy department, crystal table, fortune teller, fish pond, confectionery table, ice cream and cake booths, &c. All friends cordially invited.
Thompson, the enterprising livery man, has added two handsome new buggies to his stock of vehicles.
With the return of good weather work has been actively resumed upon Mr. Brewerton’s palatial brick residence. His stable, which is already erected is a daisy—nothing like it in the country.
Behold Steiner & Co.’s remodeled advertisement this week. They carry a large stock, have handsome quarters, and are driving a good trade.
We don’t do a great deal of bragging about Marion Centre as a grain market, not as much as we should, probably, but our dealers are shipping a great deal of grain, all the same. One firm, Lockwood & Carr, for instance, during several days of last week paid out for wheat between one and two thousand dollars, and they commenced this week’s trade by spending $2,100 for wheat on Monday. With the return of good weather, work has been actively resumed upon Mr. Brewerton’s palatial brick residence. His stable, which is already erected is a daisy—nothing like it in the country.
Last modified March 24, 2021