• Last modified 1388 days ago (April 29, 2021)


APRIL 29, 1881

Marion Centre retains the county seat

The people have spoken, and their voices rang out loud and clear for reason and for right. They have declared that a cause, to succeed by the ballots of the intelligent freemen of this county, must have something better, nobler behind it than hatred and revenge.

It is a victory for the whole of Marion County. Every portion of glorious old Marion will feel its beneficial effects.

It is a result over which every one having the good of the county at heart may well rejoice.

The Phonograph, of Hillsboro, “tumbles” gracefully, as follows: We accept the result as final. We hail it as a decision toward a permanent settlement of our sectional troubles, and will now advocate the erection of a building at the county seat, or the completion of the building already commenced.

The Peabody Gazette has but a few words on the subject, the most expressive of which is “Busted.”

The Florence Herald heads its account of the election, “We are Dumb.” It says “the question of a future county seat is now forever settled.”

With charity for all and malice toward none, we ask all the county, former friends and foes, to unite with us in burying past differences. Let new Marion County put on her white robes of peace and go forth to the feast of prosperity that awaits her in the future.

It is peculiarly gratifying to every good citizen that the result of Wednesday’s balloting was attained without the perpetration of any frauds, so far as we have been able to learn. The registration law proved to be a splendid thing, and the disposition in every part of the county to obey it in spirit and in letter cannot be too highly commended.

Last modified April 29, 2021