• Last modified 1171 days ago (May 12, 2021)


may 13, 1881

We are having the best rain of the season. Grass on the prairie is growing finely and cattle are doing well. Corn planting is nearly at an end; those not yet finished are attending strictly to business.

We learn that Simon Sill of Lincolnville has taken unto himself a wife. We have no particulars.

Bernard Apel, a practical painter from Germany, has opened a shop one door west of Wand’s drug store. His first job in the city was painting Mrs. Lindsay’s brick residence, and other work there, which shows good abilities with the brush. See his card in this issue of the Record.

The report that some person had frozen to death at Myers ice cream saloon proves untrue. They only got comfortably cool.

Dr. Kernodle is the first, and thus far the only Marion county physician who has filed with the Probate Judge the affidavit which under the new liquor law is necessary before liquor can be prescribed for patients. The doctors are probably waiting for the druggists to take out the license provided for in the law, and the druggists, in turn, are probably waiting for the decision of the Supreme Court in the test case now before them.

One of the handsomest verandas in town now adorns the residence of Mr. W.R. Clark. It is not gaudy, but neat and was erected by the excellent workman, Mr. Tubbs, who has few superiors in the carpenter line.

The papers are full of cheering items about the condition of crops, fruit prospects, etc. in the various localities in which the papers are published. The sum of it all is, Kansas is booming.

Last modified May 12, 2021