• Last modified 1367 days ago (May 20, 2021)


may 20, 1881

A cyclone on Buckeye Creek, Chase County, a few nights ago, carried the roof and porch of a store-house 200 feet away, scattering them into a thousand pieces. No harm to material or occupants, and no other house touched.

Mr. Brewerton will at once remodel the grain buildings now being used by G.C. Lockwood. We understand that it is his intention to fit it up as an elevator after the most improved plan, to a capacity amply sufficient to meet the demands of the business.

Our efficient Under Sheriff T.J. Smith went into the eastern part of the State last week and nabbed several fellows who had been stealing horse flesh. One of them had sold a stolen animal in Marion Centre, and as the theft was committed in Atchison county he was turned over to the authorities there, and is probably in the penitentiary now as he intended to plead guilty before the court now in session in that city.

Jack Widmeyer, Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. Express has received from the Company a handsome new Hall safe, for the safe keeping of valuables coming into his possession. Mr. Widmeyer is doing well for his Company.

Nall, the live new real estate and loan agent has removed his office to the room over Costello’s store.

Mr. Brickley, one of the leading hardware dealers of the county, has bought the corner lot west of the RECORD office and will at once erect a two story building thereon, 25x80. The boom boometh.

Mr. M.D. Bowers, an exceedingly affable young gentleman from West Virginia, was in town Monday and Tuesday, prospecting for farms for some of his relatives. He had read the RECORD at his Virginia home, and of course called to see us. We were greatly pleased with his appearance, and trust he and his folks will move out here, as they probably will.

Last modified May 20, 2021