140 years ago
june 10, 1881
It is an awful busy time, ‘tis true, and farmers, especially, are greatly behind with their work, but this should not cause any one to neglect the important matter of voting next Tuesday, for the completion of the Court House. Better allow a few weeds to grow in your corn, than to permit the county taxes to continue to grow as they are growing because of the absence of jail and Court House facilities.
A walk around town in any direction will convince you that town pride is growing.
Second street seems ambitious to be the handsomest street in the city. The residences are all good, and there seems to be a sort of generous rivalry among the good people along the beautiful thoroughfare in the matter of improving their respective premises. Let residents of other portions of the town walk out Second street and then go home and emulate the example of those whose labors they have inspected.
School closes to-day. It has been a prosperous, successful term, and teachers and pupils may profitably take a rest.
The ladies of the Methodist society propose to give a raspberry and ice cream supper, soon. They intend to get it up quietly among themselves, and hope to make something to help pay for the handsome pews and other church furniture they have ordered.
There will be a total eclipse of the moon about midnight to-morrow night. Young man, here’s a good excuse for “sitting up” with her.
Mr. Stephen Shipley has found that it is not good for man to be alone, and has married again. Long life and much happiness is the blessing we would call down upon him and his.
There will be an ice cream festival at the Whipple school house next Wednesday night for the benefit of Wilson Lodge of Good Templars. The public cordially invited.
Last modified June 10, 2021