• Last modified 1339 days ago (June 17, 2021)


june 17, 1881

Probably the first harvesting in the county this season was done last Saturday on Uncle George Griffith’s farm.

Mr. C.R. Roberts brought us a stalk of corn last Friday which measured seven and a half feet in height, and said he had lots more like it. Who could beat that on June 1st?

Dr. Waring and Tom O’Brien are the first thus far and the only ones on the hill to comply with the new sidewalk ordinance.

Dave Lucas has just finished plastering the new Methodist church, and the job looks to an unprofessional eye like a “mighty
good one.”

Messrs. T.J. Fish and W.H. Norris of Catlin were over Monday and returned with some new machinery with which to harvest their grain.

Peabody is preparing for a big celebration of our National anniversary.

A gentleman and his wife out in Branch township awoke one night last week to find a very unwelcome bed fellow in bed with them. The lady felt a peculiar sensation which she supposed to be from the bite of some kind of insect and lighting a lamp was horrified to discover a rattle snake coiled in the middle of the bed, and that she had been bitten several times by the nasty reptile. Her life as for a while was despaired but at last accounts she was recovering. The house is unplastered, and the snake had crawled in through a crevice.

Reduced A day of near 100-degree temperatures and 20 percent humidity sent farmers into fields Monday to do some test cutting of wheat. Fields were found to be a little wet and needing another day or two of sunshine to be ready for harvest.

A day of near 100-degree temperatures and 20 percent humidity sent farmers into fields Monday to do some test cutting of wheat. Fields were found to be a little wet and needing another day or two of sunshine to be ready for harvest.

You can get a ticket, good for six baths (good all days except Sunday) for one dollar.

City Barber Shop

Last modified June 17, 2021