140 years ago
june 27, 1881
Wheat harvesting has been actively progressing this week. The crop is not turning out as well as was expected two weeks ago, but is, upon the whole, a fair crop. Some fields will yield heavily, while the yields from others will be very light.
“Uncle” Johnny Bagby’s second wife is a sister to his first one. Now, here’s a question for local adepts at tracing relationships. What new relation does Uncle Johnny’s son Douglas sustain to his father who had just married his Aunt?
The new Christian church in Marion Centre will be dedicated one week from next Sunday, or July 3rd. Eld. VanBuskirt, of Bloomington, Illinois, has been engaged to conduct the dedicatory services. He is said to be an able man, and his sermon will doubtless be an intellectual as well as spiritual feast. Let our people give him a large hearing.
Marion Centre has determined to celebrate the National Anniversary in a grand, good old fashioned way, and committees have for a week actively engaged in perfecting arrangements therefore. Let every man, woman and child in the county come and have a hearty, happy re-union. Come and enjoy a gladsome day in our beautiful Park—the Bismarck of Central Kansas. Come and let’s “shake.”
The official majority for the Court House completion, as declared by the Commissioners last Friday, was two hundred and seventy.
Thomas Groat informs us that his firm has secured the contract for furnishing the stone and doing the cutting on the fine Insane Asylum, about to be erected in Topeka. Marion Centre quarries are among the finest in the State, and this fact will be generally recognized when the stone once gets introduced to mechanics and builders abroad.
Last modified June 23, 2021