• Last modified 1080 days ago (Aug. 11, 2021)


AUGUST 12, 1881

The President’s recovery is by no means sure, but his prospects are hopeful.

A grand reunion of old soldiers will be held in Topeka September 15th, at which Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Logan, and other military men, also Blaine and other civic leaders will be present.

An intelligent lady from Hutchinson, visiting in Marion Centre, is enthusiastic about the beauties of our lovely little city. She says it is the prettiest town she has seen in the State.

The Moonlight Excursion and Lawn Sociable, under the auspices of the Presbyterian ladies last Friday evening, was a grand success. At Mr. Roger Hannaford’s hospitable home four miles in the country, the party (numbering over one hundred), met a cordial welcome. Everyone was delighted with the whole affair.

The woman saloon keeper, of Florence, who was fined something over one hundred dollars last week for selling liquor, was arraigned again last Tuesday, for a similar offense, and fined two hundred more.

The first apple wagons of the season put in an appearance Monday morning. $1.50 per bushel.

A new bridge is badly needed over Muddy creek at Marion Centre. No bridge in the county sustains one-half the travel it does. It has been patched and patched and patched till patching patience is exhausted. A large, dangerous hole in the center of the floor has been covered up with a stone this week. That stone was suggestive. A good stone-arch bridge should be erected and the work should not be long delayed. Let the matter be agitated, but let no one talk or listen to anything short of a stone arch. That’s what we want.

Last modified Aug. 11, 2021